The past year (and a bit) has not been easy for anyone. COVID-19 has altered the lives of every single person reading this, whether that be for better or worse. When times are hard it is very easy to wallow in sadness and be envious of the year that could have been, but ultimately this does not do any good for anyone.
The pandemic has given me time to reflect on lots of things in my life, from the simple things like my fashion choices, to the more profound like who I see as role models in my life. The pandemic has also given me time to do things which I probably wouldn’t have had the time to do otherwise, for example I am learning a new language, got into running and also am in the long process of watching all the Marvel films in order. The latter of my new hobbies and reflections got me thinking. Who is my hero? Who is someone I look up to and use as a guide to weave my way through the complexities of lockdown life?
FZY has definitely kept me sane over lockdown with open spaces, quizzes, games and more all being provided from zoom, and whilst I haven’t mastered the art of identifying people’s location based on their bedroom wallpaper yet (which I think is a skill only Imi can brag about), I have learned lots and been kept busy during a time where moping around and doing nothing is an easy trap to fall into. Due to this, I would have to say that some lockdown heroes of mine are without a doubt the movement team for doing the most for the FZY clan in a time of such uncertainty.
The term hero is thrown around quite often in the movement, most noticeably at Veida, where a Zionist Hero must be named upon speaking. Taking all this into consideration, I have decided to take some action here at the Young Zionist. For the rest of April, each article will be from a different FZY member to write about who their hero is, Zionist or “Lockdown”, in a month which I am branding “Hero Month”. I want to hear all about your heroes! If you would like to write about a hero of yours, message me (or a movement worker who can give you my number).
Bring on Hero Month!
Charlie Armstrong (He/Him)
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