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FZY in Berlin, and in the Press

Updated: Apr 11, 2018

Since December, this Movement’s been making headlines and bylines all over the place.

Since December, this Movement’s been making headlines and bylines all over the place.

After raising £6,000 for #PaintOverPrejudice, our campaign to re-commission artist Gunther Schaefer to repaint his ‘Vaterland’ on the Berlin Wall, we’ve been covered in a number of different articles, including in The Jewish News​, The Jewish Chronicle​ and The Jewish Telegraph. Scroll down to read about us there.

This weekend, a group of the Movement’s chaveirim from London, Manchester and Glasgow (pictured above) will join Schaefer in Berlin as he repaints the mural. They are making the most of their time in Berlin by meeting with representatives of the local community, forming strong Zionist links in the diaspora, and also hearing from some of the best Holocaust and tolerance educators in the world.

Rhianna Bongart, from Essex, is one of the trip’s delegates. ‘I think that learning about our heritage is so important,’ she writes. ‘Not many people get opportunities like this, and the fact we have this opportunity, and the ability to make such an impact with our project, speaks volumes.’

We’ve also hit the headlines for other reasons. This year, we’re joining the Yellow Candles Project with Shoah Yellow Candles​. The project will ensure the distribution of 13,000 candles in the UK for Yom HaShoah, which is four times the number distributed in 2017.

“The candles, which come with the name, age, date and place of death of a victim of the Holocaust, are to be distributed to over 50 cross-communal organisations and lit on the evening of April 11.

Joe Woolf, Mazkir, said that FZY had taken on 30 candles which would be distributed among its younger members.

“It is the simplest of ideas that make the most impact,” he said.

The 21-year-old said he was “moved to find candles with kids’ names on them as young as two”.”

More on the Yellow Candles Project here 

Joe Woolf, Mazkir, takes a break from painting to pose for the Press.

The Paint Over Prejudice campaign has the support of the UJIA​, Chief Rabbi Mirvis​, The Jewish Agency for Israel​, The Jewish Agency for Israel UK​ and March of the Living UK​.

Further coverage of the campaign can be found here in the Jewish News and here in the Jewish Chronicle.


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